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AD&D Tool: Random Encounters provides the busy DM with easy-to-use random 4th edition encounters including random monster groups, a dice roller, treas...
This is the spellbook for Wizards and Clerics as it appears in the AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook. If you ever needed a quick reference to a s...
A lightweight calculator to find a person's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons stats in real life. Take the quiz. Find your stats. Be glad you don't ...
Please visit our website for more information. Ad-timer is created for those who would like to skip advertisement breaks for both radio and television...
Jeff Ocasio's Mortgage Mapp is a complete toolkit of everything you need to know about your next mortgage. Complete with a full-featured mortgage ...
In times of war and devastation people throw their affairs and take up arms. Who would have thought that you have to shoot the chopper with the use of...
What have you heard about the race on police cars? Probably quite a lot. But now you have the chance to experience these feelings for yourself! You ha...