ABQ 311
Albuquerque at the Palm of your Hands. The City of Albuquerque's ABQ311 Mobile App allows the public to report Graffiti, Weed Complaints, Solid Wa...
Albuquerque at the Palm of your Hands. The City of Albuquerque's ABQ311 Mobile App allows the public to report Graffiti, Weed Complaints, Solid Wa...
311 GIS allows the community to report to town, city, or county organizations any anomalies within their area. These may include, but are not limited ...
Austin 311 provides uncomplicated access to City services and information and is aligned with the City of Austin's goal to become the best managed...
Winnipeg 311 provides quick access to key City of Winnipeg information and Services. This leading edge tool enables citizens of Winnipeg to improve th...
- 将你的智能手机或平板电脑用作一个测振仪,以便自动检测地震和振动。- 如果智能手机检测到振动,设置发出报警。 - 使用应用程序作为一个报警器,并在检测到地震的情况下,发出报警声。报告你感到的地震,并查看配有其他用户报告和关于地震信息的实时地图。使用聊天功能,分享有关地震的信息。 - 接收由全球监测...
Augusta 311 enables real-time collaboration with constituites reporting potholes, overgrown vegetation and other issues from anywhere in the city usin...
I Have a Dream 這是馬丁‧路得‧金恩博士,非常著名的一場即席演說內容 他一生所追求的夢想,就是以非暴力的公民抗命手段,來爭取非裔美國人的基本權利,當然這個夢想很偉大,所付出的代價相對也非常大! 不知道大家所追求的是甚麼? 讓自己更有成就? 讓自己有更有錢?還是幫助更多的人?或者你現在早...
【推荐理由】“我用了9步困住神经猫,击败91%的人,你能超过我吗?”一款“围住神经猫”的小游戏近日刷屏朋友圈,许多人玩后表示“根本停不下来”。“神经猫”手机安装版也来啦!快来试试你几步才能困住它? 《围住神经猫》是一款非常耐玩的休闲益智类游戏,是继《别踩白块儿》《一个都不能死》之后的又一款国产虐心虐...