
Bleach It

The goal of the game is to bleach each cell with as few moves as possible. You start in the white cell. Only adjacent cells can be bleached.Select a c...

Bleach Fights

內容介紹 : This is an app for showcasing Bleach characters and their abilities . It contains 8+ major characters from the series (more character will be ...


曾經,徐海琳是個天之驕女。她有著佼好的外在,對芭蕾有極高的天賦。 五年前,她參加完國際芭蕾女伶徵選後,碰巧救出了身陷火場的陸氏集團準接班人陸希唯。希唯對救自己一命的海琳產生了好感,並大膽展開追求,兩人就此相戀。 五年後,海琳如願成為國際芭蕾舞女伶。在一場公演後的記者會上,海琳意外暈倒, 醫師也告訴希...