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新竹县文化护照, 发现最美丽, 最动人的竹县风景. 玩任务, 赏景点, 换奖励, 分享全世界. 快来下载新竹县文化护照, 各种徽章等你来收集, 完成任务兑换奖品, 还有机会中大奖呦! 不定时各种客家任务等你来完成, 客家四大节庆的桐花祭, 天穿日, 义民祭, 及国际花鼓艺术节还有隐藏版徽章喔!免費玩...
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由新竹縣環境保護局推出的"資源物質分享交換平台"APP程式,為讓物品再應用,將堪用的物資交換或轉送給需要的團體或個人,利用相互之間資源互利互惠的一種資源再生推廣。 期望透過物資交換平台的推廣可以讓環保的觀念可以不斷的延伸與擴大。 每個交換的開始,都賦予物資新的生命,也是環保的循環。免費玩新竹縣環保局...
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JellyFluid - "The real fluid simulator." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=theGY6zAxRQ Slosh around your own photos. Paint ink into the fluid and watch i...
Taiwan Receipts is a handy tool for checking the government lottery numbers on sales receipts. The winning numbers offer cash rewards ranging from 200...
Million Backgrounds Pictures allow you to Browse and save up to 2 billions photos, images from millions of Flickr users.Use them as wallpapers, backgr...
This diversified game allows you to show off your skills on various different par courses, either alone or with friends. The object of the game is to ...
Highrise for iPhone lets you access your Highrise contacts, notes, emails, voice notes, and tasks from wherever you are. What’s Highrise? Highrise is ...
Ever have trouble assigning doubles players when two teams play against each other? The "Doubles Game Mixer --- Two Team Version" is the best way to g...