家电维修是一款集各种电器维修咨询,报价的手机客户端,用户可以随时随地了解自己需要维修的电器该去哪里维修,维修价格如何和一些注意事项等多方面信息。该客户端还集成了周边功能,可以让用户查看自己附近的美食店,商城和酒店... 软件还带有周边定位功能,快速的寻找到周边的餐厅美食、商场超市、停车服务等等,让用...
家电维修是一款集各种电器维修咨询,报价的手机客户端,用户可以随时随地了解自己需要维修的电器该去哪里维修,维修价格如何和一些注意事项等多方面信息。该客户端还集成了周边功能,可以让用户查看自己附近的美食店,商城和酒店... 软件还带有周边定位功能,快速的寻找到周边的餐厅美食、商场超市、停车服务等等,让用...
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洗衣机坏了?冰箱坏了?热水器坏了?。。。怎么办!找售后说明书?上网搜索售后维修电话?no,你out了。试试“家电维修大全”这款应用吧。家电维修大全为您快速搜索定位各家电器品牌售后服务电话、周边维修点,同时可通过手机轻松访问厂家网站。为您的日常生活提供便利、实用的服务! 1、涵盖500多家电器品牌,手...
Application pour découvrir le parcours touristique NFC de l'Ecocentres de Bourgogne dans la Nièvre (France) réalisé par IMEJI Design, Agence de Co...
The printable dragon coloring pages are perfect for kids who are really interested in dragons and mythology. If your kids are fascinated by dragons th...
Fitness Strength is a targeted mobile fitness application designed to help users build physical strength via some basic exercises and a healthy diet. ...
Fitness Viva Pro is a mobile fitness application that allows you to track basic exercise activities and suggests a basic diet plan. It includes a stre...
Fitness Endurance is a mobile fitness application that allows you to plan and track the progress of a basic physical endurance development plan. It in...
This is the unofficial guide to the 2010 Taste of Chicago festival. This is a minor update edition of the guide for those that want more information o...