
Pharma News

This app provides real time and breaking news on the pharmaceutical industry from primary news sources around the world such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Dr...


国医堂-中医全科专家 汇集近代国家级名老中医临床经验和五年制中医本科教学内容,采用现代人工智能技术结合传统中医辨证施治思想开发的中医全科专家系统。本系统已成功应用于中、美、英、澳及港台地区的数百所医疗和教学单位,历经十余载、数万例患者的临床验证,以其辨证准确,处方安全,使用方便,广受医患好评,PC版...

Air War

The island of Atlantis was thought to be a fable or lost long ago to some calamity. In 1925 the military discovered it still existed. On the island wa...

Seishin Tobi

無料の短編オリジナル短編小説集です。 内容は日本語です。 This is a free short novels collection. The novels are written in Japanese. 自動セーブや上フリックでのバックログ機能が付いています。 更なる機能の追加もアップデートで...