The Confident Baker Magazine with Recipes for Dess
The Confident Baker magazine is filled with baking recipes for dessert, breakfast, bread, and more. The emphasis is on sweets but there’s occasionally...
The Confident Baker magazine is filled with baking recipes for dessert, breakfast, bread, and more. The emphasis is on sweets but there’s occasionally...
风靡Appstore的音乐类游戏!包含了3000多首不一样的歌曲,让你玩的舒心,听的开心! "《挑战麦克风》是一款集流行、音乐、PK、挑战于一体的超经典音乐游戏。成功俘虏了众多用户,成为当下最炙手可热的休闲游戏之一。不管你是70&80&90还是00后,包含了3000多首歌的大库存绝对让你玩上4小时以...
Australian Yoga Journal is the leading resource on yoga, meditation, spirituality and healthy lifestyle, with expert advice, yoga classes and great ti...
最強のユース・カルチャー誌『Quick Japan』2013年2月発売の106号より、【隔月配信】紙版発売月の月末配信予定!!《ビューアーについて》モリサワ/MCMagazine 記事をタップすると、テキストウィンドウがポップアップしますのでiPhoneでも長文の小さな文字が読みやすく、ストレスなく...
这是一款面向大众用户,同时也适用占星爱好者的专业占星应用。即使您对占星知识一无所知,我们也可以从零开始为您普及星座常识。您可以随时随地查看最准确的本命以及行运星盘图。 每个人都有一张出生图,也就是在你出生的时刻以你所在的时间空间为中心画出的天宫图,占星学称之为“星座本命盘”。正确的解读本命盘可以让你...
新视线 The Outlook Magazine 正式登陆iPhone平台!支持最新的 iPhone 5 及 iOS 6,随时接收全球创意领域的最新资讯,随地分享创意生活的点滴灵感。 《新视线》致力于成为中国新生代都市精英与创意新贵的生活美学指南,从时装到建筑,从居家到旅行,从生活到设计,从艺术到人...
Professionals sort out, saving your own time. After renaissance, the 18th and 19th centuries, art has made a huge accumulation, emerged lots of the mu...
Budge Studios™ presents Chuggington Traintastic Adventures! Traintastic Adventures await in this ultimate train set and railway adventure app for kids...
“Kids Learning Puzzles is an open canvas for creativity with a dash of logical thinking through puzzle play.” – Benjamin C., Founder Kids Learning Puz...