《明朝那些事兒》,網絡上連載的中國明朝(1344年-1644年)歷史故事,掀起了明朝熱。作者當年明月,本名石悅,是廣東順德海關公務員。 2006年3月在天涯社區首次發表,2009年3月21日連載完畢,邊寫作邊集結成書出版發行,一共7本。從朱元璋出生講起,到崇禎皇帝自縊明朝滅亡。以史料為基礎,以年代和...
《明朝那些事兒》,網絡上連載的中國明朝(1344年-1644年)歷史故事,掀起了明朝熱。作者當年明月,本名石悅,是廣東順德海關公務員。 2006年3月在天涯社區首次發表,2009年3月21日連載完畢,邊寫作邊集結成書出版發行,一共7本。從朱元璋出生講起,到崇禎皇帝自縊明朝滅亡。以史料為基礎,以年代和...
Hammie has broken out of the his cage and is on the run! Use your super flying powers to chomp up as much food and water as you can. Avoid the deadly ...
The Delicious TV team brings you VegEZ for iPad! With 75 of Toni Fiore’s tastiest recipes optimized for the busy swirl of modern life. If you’re looki...
VegFast is an application that allows vegetarians and vegans to see the various fast food options at numerous fast food restaurants. If you are a vege...
Veggie Chops is an app that allows consumers to search for the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in their city based on proximity and quality, the...
Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, the occasional day without meat is always tasty and nutritious. But what to prepare? In the Veggie Cookbook+ you w...
Don’t miss out this mystery adventure game!You cannot trust anyone and you shouldn’t!Magnificent art design that mixes perfectly backgrounds with char...
Veggie Grower is a comprehensive planting guide to a vegetable & herbs catalog which includes tips for growing your own organic cultivation of vegetab...