壽險示範條款說明 保險
您一定有買保險,但是您有仔細看過條款內容嗎? 您看得懂條款在說什麼嗎? 壽險示範條款共三十條條文,條款內容常常是保險公司與消費者發生諸多爭議的糾結所在。 作者將多年壽險工作經驗,以深入淺出的方式配合案例,逐一說明,內容完整、全面,可作為引領消費者認識保險權益及有志從事保險者收藏的工具書。 本書也適合...
您一定有買保險,但是您有仔細看過條款內容嗎? 您看得懂條款在說什麼嗎? 壽險示範條款共三十條條文,條款內容常常是保險公司與消費者發生諸多爭議的糾結所在。 作者將多年壽險工作經驗,以深入淺出的方式配合案例,逐一說明,內容完整、全面,可作為引領消費者認識保險權益及有志從事保險者收藏的工具書。 本書也適合...
For work, travel or every day – you can always rely on Berlitz’s extensive Standard Dictionaries. With its intuitive user interface, this app will hel...
Radio Anime is a streaming application for most of the main Anime radios. Enjoy your favourites radios anytime, anywhere.These are some of the availab...
Radio Jazz is a streaming application for most of the main Jazz radios.Enjoy your favourites radios anytime, anywhere.These are some of the available ...
Painting Power Rangers In these Power Rangers coloring games, you must paint your Power Rangers Dino Thunder Coloring Game with your favorite colors.免...
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The UNISA Results application allows you to check your UNISA (University of South Africa) examination results via the open-ended web link.If you allow...
Ders kitabı cevapları, çalışma kitabı cevapları artık google play'de. Mobil kullanıcılar için tamamen ücretsiz ve hızlı.Ders kitabı cevapları uygu...
A clever approach for learning, using recognition of shapes and sounds. Also with the Educational and Echoic Memory Games not only you will learn as y...
The industry’s first radio station app that allows users to listen to their favorite Punjabi radio stations without using a data plan by using your de...