
佛菩薩心咒 Fu Pu Sa Xin Zhou

尋找佛教音樂或心咒來唱誦經?您可利用手機在這裡搜索! 這個程序是為了方便您,尤其是當你在移動時,在不同的地點(例如在漫長的旅途上),尋找尋找您要的佛教題材. 應用程序的特點; 一站式到達以下常誦的心咒: 一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼 不动佛心咒 不动明王心咒 南無消災延壽藥師佛 地藏王菩薩心咒...

Flappy Bugs

Flap down a race track with a host of kickbacks in the blockbuster game of the year! Your mission is to jump through brick walls, or dive under electr...

Song Quiz

Test your knowledge about your music library the way you want it with this clone of the classic iPod music quiz game. The game offers elegant and unob...