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天空深处 Deep Under the Sky 是一个射击游戏,玩这个游戏最重要的是预先想好弹道,游戏只有左下角一个键可以操作,而且一个键有3个功能,开始的时候它是发射键,然后又是加速键,最后是爆炸键。在金星的阴暗面有一个海洋,这里生存着一种特殊的水母,玩家要操作水母,帮它们扩大地盘,从水母母体里发...


Need to know what drill bit to use to tap a hole for a screw or bolt? Or maybe you just want to drill a thru hole for one.TapDrillTool makes it REALLY...


No, this isn't yet another "on-screen caliper" app.Since I bought a lathe and have started doing some metalwork I have found myself spending a lot of ...

Dessert Sundae

A perfect dessert for a lazy Sunday must be an ice cream. Let me show you how you can prepare delicious ice cream in just a few minutes. Homemade ice ...