掌联出品,必属精品!一样的关牌,百变的玩法! 掌联百变关牌是一款三人竞技的关牌游戏。游戏使用48张牌,扣除大小王、3张2和1张A,创意增加了变牌规则, A可以变成除2以外的任意一张牌,大大加快了游戏速度,增加了游戏刺激性和趣味性。 游戏目的就是想方设法地将自己手中的牌尽快打出,如果要赢得更多银子,那...
HKCT CT299ES002 student project by #19 LAW Ka Ling此程式是ERB僱員再培訓局CT299ES Android流動裝置應用程式開發單元證書課程中的14個範例程式之一。課程編號:CT299ES課程名稱:Android 流動裝置應用程式開發單元證書Modul...
Guide Around Me app help you to search nearby ATM, airport,Bank, Bus station,Church, Hindu Temple,Mosque, Hospital,Police,Pharmacy and many more. You ...
Some of the silliest jokes known to man and all perfectly safe for even the youngest children.Ideal for children who want to impress their friends or ...
This app allow the user to to examine the effects of magnetic fields on a charged particle. The app has a measuring tool that enables the user to meas...
This app helps to visualize what time dilation is and why it happens. By measuring time with the very precise and accurate photon clock, users can see...
AxMod is a live FM-synthesizer for Android. It uses multitouch to enhance the controllability of the sound - to create sweeping dynamics and smooth pi...
Zombie Memory game, filled with scary photos. Find the pairs! If you like zombies and memory, you'll love Zombie Memory!免費玩Zombie Memory APP玩免費免費玩...
헷지의 메이크업 시간이예요~톡톡~ 아름다운 외모를 가꾸는 러블리걸 소녀 헷지^^헷지와 함께 메이크업 타임을 가져보아요~!폰꾸미기 no.1 - "폰테마샵" 에서 다양한 컨셉의 헷지 테마를 만나보세요.모바일 - http://bit.ly/WKbzpW / PC - http:/...