初级经济师考试模拟题,共收录近1万道试题。是目前题库最全的手机学习应用。【主要功能】章节练习:选择章节,并保留章节练习进度强化练习:将选择题、判断题、多项选择题进行分类练习随机练习:系统随机抽题进行练习顺序练习:按题库顺序进行练习错题练习:章节错题分布,重点练习收藏练习。免費玩初级经济师考试模拟题 ...
初级经济师考试模拟题,共收录近1万道试题。是目前题库最全的手机学习应用。【主要功能】章节练习:选择章节,并保留章节练习进度强化练习:将选择题、判断题、多项选择题进行分类练习随机练习:系统随机抽题进行练习顺序练习:按题库顺序进行练习错题练习:章节错题分布,重点练习收藏练习。免費玩初级经济师考试模拟题 ...
新增.整理多項出題模式 >>多樣化的出題模式只有一個目標,就是讓你快速的將內容經過大腦的海馬迴 儲存到永久記憶區中。 新增.多項答題狀況的檢視>>方便使用者檢視自身答題狀況與結果 維護.優化系統內存>>優化答題順暢度 新增.自動演練功能>>讓電腦帶著你把題目走過N次,快速將提庫輸入腦中 新增自訂答對...
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Jazz Saxophone Etudes, Volume 1 features twelve melodic etudes for the advancing jazz saxophonist. These etudes feature a wide variety of tempos, rang...
Jazz Saxophone Etudes, Volume 1 features twelve melodic etudes for the advancing jazz saxophonist. These etudes feature a wide variety of tempos, rang...
This upgrade is a major expansion of the sequencer function that includes additional chord sequences, multiple playback options with improved playback...
Musicians – playing jazz and other genres – use improvisation to explore their creativity and to generate musical ideas. This course – by the talented...
A professional application for jazz and pop musicians as well as for all music students.An excellent method to learn chord notes without your instrume...
A professional application for jazz and pop musicians as well as for all music students.An excellent method to learn chord notes without your instrume...
JAZZ DUETS 2 for tenor saxophoneThe best way of learning how to play the jazz saxThis jazz duets app (Part 1 & 2) for iPad offers an exciting and prac...