故宮博物院與聯合報系合作舉辦「幸福大師─雷諾瓦與二十世紀繪畫特展」,即日起至9月8日,在故宮圖書文獻大樓一樓展出。這是國內首次以法國印象派畫家雷諾瓦(Pierre-Auguste Renoir,1841-1919)為主題的大型展覽,展出雷諾瓦以日常生活為題材的「幸福」繪畫世界。雷諾瓦是十九世紀印象派...
故宮博物院與聯合報系合作舉辦「幸福大師─雷諾瓦與二十世紀繪畫特展」,即日起至9月8日,在故宮圖書文獻大樓一樓展出。這是國內首次以法國印象派畫家雷諾瓦(Pierre-Auguste Renoir,1841-1919)為主題的大型展覽,展出雷諾瓦以日常生活為題材的「幸福」繪畫世界。雷諾瓦是十九世紀印象派...
乾隆X互動科技X時尚X動漫X文創,這次故宮有夠「潮」! 集結台灣數十位新銳及知名藝術家及創作團體,以新媒體互動科技為主軸,跨領域結合概念訂製服、百人時尚攝影、動漫公仔、以及文創裝置藝術。以嶄新創意手法(Creativity)解構乾隆收藏的文物(Heritage),將帝王文化與次文化交錯與並置,佐以當...
Do you like to think? Do you feel pleasure from logic puzzles? If it is true then the game Tower Steps was made just for you! In this game you can fin...
Now you can dress Duchess Kate exactly as you'd like - mix and match from her wardrobe of fantastic dresses, outfits and accessories until you have th...
The iPhone App Review - "If you’re looking for a simple application to help your family drift off into sleep, give the Stop Baby Crying iPhone app a t...
Do you like to think? Do you feel pleasure from logic puzzles? If it is true then the game Tower Steps was made just for you! In this game you can fin...
Let your children choose items from the girl's extensive wardrobe that she would want to wear for certain weather. Your children will choose her cloth...
Stopcallingme.org was born out of frustration of cold callers their nuisance calls texts emails and even junk mail. We aim to stop ALL unsolicited cal...
HeyMAN Games No.2 : Tower Striker!‘Tower Striker!’ is a skill based game that challenges you to strike as many levels as possible from an endless towe...
Now you have a personal lawyer at your fingertips to help you end harassment from credit and debt collection agencies. Stop Calls Get Cash connects yo...