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使用這個免費的“假”X射線掃描器來欺騙您的朋友!這不是一個真正的X射線掃描器,它只是為了好玩惡作劇的應用程序。傾斜你的手機在你的手上,並滾動X射線圖像。你可能需要練習幾次。您還可以改變顏色,大小和速度的設定畫面。這個應用程序還附帶了功能齊全的動態桌布!使用:Home -> Menu -> 桌布 ->...


The scanner can recognize the bar code information and search for it on the Internet. You can also save the decoded information and look for it later....


A short, simple notgame inspired by transcendentalism.Go for a calming walk through a variety of settings, overcoming a few simple challenges along th...


"The best platformer to hit the AppStore, you owe it to yourself to pick it up"...A classic Amiga platform game, highly prized for it’s fast-paced, ad...