NFC Profiler
Create your NFC based profiles. Don't worry it hardly uses battery & you will never notice any battery drain.You will notice so many permission re...
Create your NFC based profiles. Don't worry it hardly uses battery & you will never notice any battery drain.You will notice so many permission re...
NFC Reader 앱은 NFC Tag 정보를 확인해 보고자 만든 앱 입니다. 확인 가능한 NFC Tag 정보는 NFC Tag(ID), NFC Tag Type, NFC Tag에 담겨져 있는 Data 내용 입니다.NFC Tag를 스마트 폰의 뒷면에 터치하시면 Tag 정보...
NFC Porter is a system enabling users to control door, garage gates or attendance terminals with their mobile phones. The mobile phone therefore easil...
Use your NFC-equipped Android phone to unlock your KeePass database.You can use any NFC Tag, including very popular Mifare Ultralight or Sony SmartTag...
ABA NFC is a reading/writing NFC application developed by ABAMobile.Selected by in "Apps of the Week".
NFC HUNTER is the hunting game. What should you hunt ? NFC tag !!Let's try for No.1 NFC HUNTER around the world !!< How to play ? >1. Touch any NF...
SMSP NFC is designed to work with Cytech's Mobile Marketing Platform. It requires an account. Create one at http://demo.smsp.grSMSP NFC allows you...
ANDROID平台上的全球第一款使用普通MP3文件的卡拉OK播放器。有了她,你只需要有對應的MP3文件,就可以對著手機唱卡拉OK了!隨時隨地地K歌,這就是我們的口號。你不再需要尋找特殊格式的KTV歌曲,也不再需要不厭其煩地搜索歌詞文件,迷你卡拉OK幫你搞定一切。詳細功能說明如下:1 卡拉OK相關的4...
《迷你卡拉OK》是一款使用普通MP3文件的卡拉OK播放器。有了她,你只需要有对应的MP3文件,就可以对著手机唱卡拉OK了! 随时随地地K歌,这就是我们的口号。你不再需要寻找特殊格式的KTV歌曲,也不再需要不厌其烦地搜索歌词文件,迷你卡拉OK帮你搞定一切。 详细功能说明如下: 1卡拉OK相关的4个按钮...
ANDROID平台上的全球第一款使用普通MP3文件的卡拉OK播放器。有了她,你只需要有对应的MP3文件,就可以对着手机唱卡拉OK了! 随时随地地K歌,这就是我们的口号。你不再需要寻找特殊格式的KTV歌曲,也不再需要不厌其烦地搜索歌词文件,迷你卡拉OK帮你搞定一切。 详细功能说明如下: 1 卡拉OK相...