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中国国家图书馆读者服务应用以服务和资源为两条主线,以方便读者为目的,为读者提供了一种使用国图服务、欣赏国图资源的便捷方式,应用包括以下功能: (1)书目检索 应用支持手输入、条形码、语音多种检索方式,可获得国图馆藏信息以及全国几十家图书馆馆藏信息,并可以查看豆瓣网友的书评信息以及转到电子商务网站便捷...
We would like to introduce you to our mobile version of gScholar. This is our first version and there will be many more to come as we have big plans. ...
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De voetbal app voor alle inwoners van Dirkshorn, vrijwilligers en supporters van voetbalvereniging Dirkshorn. Vanaf nu heb jij alle informatie van de ...
The latest bizarre idea to change your eyes and your expressions thanks to your mobile phone.Just choose among the many proposed glances and hold the ...
Per essere un campione di parole crociate, per non perdere nemmeno un colpo nel gioco dell'impiccato, semplicemente per passione o pura curiosità....
GREAT !!! FEBRUARY DISCOUNT!!! ONLY €0,99 TO 02-20-2012 !!! To be a champion in crosswords, to never miss an answer in an Hangman game,for passion or ...
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To be a champion in crosswords, to never miss an answer in an Hangman game,for passion or just for curiosity...Here you are wordZme, the application o...
The android port of the classic game where the codebreaker try to guess the pattern, in both order and color, in 9 turns...each guess is made by placi...