

問卷沒人填?開課想招生?尋找創業夥伴?不想獨自看電影?求婚需要集氣?開店想告訴街坊鄰居?...無論願望是什麼,只要勇敢說出來,在附近的小天使們就有機會幫你一同實現!您許願,我捐錢!每許一次願,【天使之願】將於次月捐贈0.2元給公益團體(捐款收據發佈於FB, 請搜尋【天使之願】)。注意事項:1. 害人...

Temple Escape

After receiving the torch,The human hero gets into trouble!For humans bright,The human hero Overcomes difficulties such as Gas,Beacon,Terra Cotta Warr...


Grâce à l’application Do’Zet, optimisez les coûts de désherbage des viticulteurs et calculez la dose exacte de leurs traitements herbicides.Do’zet, l’...

Indian Run

Welcome to the desert of the Indians ! The cowboys are bothering the Indian Mario!In this fantastic game you'll control a very agile Indian and yo...