普光老和尚最新開示楞嚴神咒的作用楞嚴神咒五會的作用: 第一會是消災的,消萬年災難的。第二會是渡眾生的,渡天人眾生的。第三會15個“訖唎擔”是直接成佛的。一個“訖唎擔”三百六十萬丈高,15個“訖唎擔”直接和佛在一塊了。第四會的5個“泮吒”就是五層蓮花。第五會“唵 阿那隸 毗捨提 鞞啰跋阇啰陀唎 盤陀盤...
找佛教題材或资料來觀看?您可利用手機在這裡搜索! 這個程序是為了方便您,尤其是當你在移動時,在不同的地點(例如在漫長的旅途上),尋找您要的佛教題材 應用程序的特點;一站式到達, 以下有聖嚴法師的: 大法鼓 經典講座 學思歷程 《楞嚴經》講要 《法華經》講記 《妙法蓮華經講要》 《維摩經》六講 《六祖...
L'appli du Gin Pamp, LE bar de Reims !Bonne ambiance, bonne musique...Accepte les réservations. Les visites sont bienvenues. Peut accueillir des g...
Découvrez l'application Apéro Chic, traiteur gastronome pour vos réceptions privées ou professionnelles. Apéro Chic offre également un service de ...
This App allow you to delete all unwanted SMS that you have in your conversations.Before of each Delete Operation the backup of the deleted SMS is exe...
Shanghai Places is filled with over 7500 big, bold-faced addresses in Chinese that show you or Taxi drivers exactly where you want to go (Address in C...
Malaysia popular blog Gosip Artis Malaysia Terkini dan Gambar, Beautifulnara now come on apps. A must have apps for Beautifulnara fans and stay update...
When do gambling,strategies and tactics and mentality is important, but It is a record that can not be dislodged.Through the records of the games, you...
We are introducing Android version(MTrade) of our tradiing solution which will help our clients who are using Android devices to watch and trade in th...