蜗牛慢递是一款线上延时通讯工具。 可以通过编写电子信件,设置在将来的某个收件时间定时投递给指定的收件人,发出之后并不会立即发送到收信人的手机里,收信时间可以选择在24小时之后、一周之后甚至是一年后。同时新消息提醒功能,会以数字图标的形式及时提醒用户慢递数量的新变化。蜗牛慢递支持通过手机网络发送语音、...
蜗牛慢递是一款线上延时通讯工具。 可以通过编写电子信件,设置在将来的某个收件时间定时投递给指定的收件人,发出之后并不会立即发送到收信人的手机里,收信时间可以选择在24小时之后、一周之后甚至是一年后。同时新消息提醒功能,会以数字图标的形式及时提醒用户慢递数量的新变化。蜗牛慢递支持通过手机网络发送语音、...
EZ Health Tracker is an all-in-one application to effectively track test/measurement results and to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). This app also all...
Store and keep an eye on your physical data and those of your relatives.Generate reports and statistics in form of charts and tables in pdf and send b...
57 United States of America Presidential Elections in more than 200 years.Votes, percentages, maps, graphic charts, details on candidates.Two versions...
Calculation of volume, weight, calorific value, price per volume and per weight of the piles of firewood, with elaboration of the type of wood and its...
Immerse yourself in an exciting journey through time with the Billboard Hot 100 music charts from 1951 to the present day.You can view weekly and year...
I risultati delle elezioni politiche italiane dal 1946 al 2013 per la Camera dei Deputati.Dati di affluenza, ripartizione voti e seggi, grafici per pr...
57 United States of America Presidential Elections in more than 200 years.Votes, percentages, maps, graphic charts, details on candidates.Two versions...
Quanta acqua devo bere? E quale?Quale'è la più leggera e quale la più ricca di sali minerali?Questa applicazione aiuta a calcolare il fabbisogno g...