閱讀GOOD TV 好消息電視台每月出版的「好消息月刊」,現在可以更環保便利!馬上下載「好消息月刊」,無論走到哪裡,只要連上網即可下載最新期數月刊。下載安裝好處多:1.減少紙本雜誌印製,好環保。2.無論在捷運上、等公車的時候,都隨時可以打開最新的月刊閱讀瀏覽。3.雲端書櫃,不佔您書房、書架的空間。4...
閱讀GOOD TV 好消息電視台每月出版的「好消息月刊」,現在可以更環保便利!馬上下載「好消息月刊」,無論走到哪裡,只要連上網即可下載最新期數月刊。下載安裝好處多:1.減少紙本雜誌印製,好環保。2.無論在捷運上、等公車的時候,都隨時可以打開最新的月刊閱讀瀏覽。3.雲端書櫃,不佔您書房、書架的空間。4...
慈濟影音網的Android版手機用戶端實現了:隨時隨地恭聽證嚴上人開示-人間菩提、靜思晨語、菩提心要、衲履足跡快速獲取全球新聞-慈濟深度報導、大馬慈濟影像新聞、Malaysia English News隨時隨地深入經藏,淨化己心-覺醒年代、妙手入經藏看見人間菩薩,膚慰大地,淨化人心-大愛人物誌、現代...
Emerald Timestamp captures the precise time of events, and lets you associate a description with each one. It is also a highly-accurate running clock....
Play the hammered dulcimer right on your iPad with your fingers! It's quick and easy to learn and can be used as a real instrument with some practice!...
Meditation is a powerful way to focus simply on being - getting in touch with your soul. Deepak Chopra's guided meditations help enter the state of me...
Meditation is a powerful way to focus simply on being - getting in touch with your soul. Deepak Chopra's guided meditations help enter the state of me...
Meditation is a powerful way to focus simply on being - getting in touch with your soul. Love is the essence of healing and is one of the deepest huma...
"DVD Remote" is a remote control program for the "DVD Player" program that runs on Apple computers. Key features:* DVD media control;* DVD menu contro...
For those who love the great outdoors and want to explore Grand Teton National Park, this application is for you. It provides easy-to-use day hike inf...
Pluck apples containing the correct time shown on the clock and try to catch them in your basket as they fall by tilting the ipod left and right.Educa...