簡介 : 往生咒,全稱拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,又稱往生淨土神咒,是佛教淨土宗的重要咒語。淨土宗認為,誦持此咒能拔除一切業障。誦持此咒者,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂,並在其命終之時,接引其入西方淨土。程式功能 : 基本的往生咒閱讀。提供”唱誦(未知)”、”道證法師恭讀”、”淨土篇 - ...
簡介 : 往生咒,全稱拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,又稱往生淨土神咒,是佛教淨土宗的重要咒語。淨土宗認為,誦持此咒能拔除一切業障。誦持此咒者,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂,並在其命終之時,接引其入西方淨土。程式功能 : 基本的往生咒閱讀。提供”唱誦(未知)”、”道證法師恭讀”、”淨土篇 - ...
Blokwise and Charuca presents a breathtaking variety of arcade game. Numerous fruits invade the charuca world. Tonti-girl and Chun-Chun are in charge ...
Hanukkah is usually a super fun holiday – and with our new app, now it will be even more fun! Start with a dreidel and accessorize: perhaps you’ll add...
50% Off Today!Now on Sale for a limited time! An ultra modern styled stopwatch with 100th of a second accuracy, able to save results locally or export...
Blokwise and Charuca presents a breathtaking variety of arcade game. Numerous fruits invade the charuca world. Tonti-girl and Chun-Chun are in charge ...
*** Dress Up and Turn Fantasies into Realities! ***Dreaming of dressing up fancy like a fairy or a princess? Turn that into a reality by playing Dress...
StopWatch&Timer; can measure 1/100sec.If you want to measure record for 100m race, try this app.❖ Key Function ❖ ■ Easy Just press Start and Stop butt...
New FREE Version! The Standard in Stopwatches! An ultra modern styled stopwatch with 100th of a second accuracy, able to save results locally or expor...
Hurry! Quick! It's raining toxic drops outside! Help our survivors stay dry in this adventure to stay away from Toxic Rain. Don't get hit by the drops...