

无纸传真是一种基于中国联通智能网和点石卓越虚拟呼叫中心技术最新推出的集手机收发传真、留言于一体的崭新的智能手机应用服务。无纸传真集手机、电脑、 邮箱为一体实现与传真机无障碍、零距 离接通:手机号码成为传真机分号码,40005-40005为全国统一传真总机号码,手机随时随地收发传真;电脑分为 PC客户...

Stocks Sample

Stocks app that allows you keep track of your favorite stocks. Add/Delete stocks to your list, check out the stocks news, and the latest price for the...


Dress is a simple game designed for people who like clothes and accessories but do not have time to prove it. In the application you can dress a figur...

Stocks Cal

This is a simple application for calculating profit/loss based on a stock buy/sale price traded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). The calculation of co...