用药如用兵,民以食为天。肾病是严重危害人类健康的疾病,随着糖尿病和高血压发病率的增高,继发性肾病也越来越多。多数肾病治疗困难,极易复发。因此,早期发现、早期治疗十分重要。对于肾病,一些西药的用量、用法,一些中药的调整,以及如何平衡膳食,都需要专科医生和营养师的指导。 本书中荟萃了建国以来国家颁布的数...
用药如用兵,民以食为天。肾病是严重危害人类健康的疾病,随着糖尿病和高血压发病率的增高,继发性肾病也越来越多。多数肾病治疗困难,极易复发。因此,早期发现、早期治疗十分重要。对于肾病,一些西药的用量、用法,一些中药的调整,以及如何平衡膳食,都需要专科医生和营养师的指导。 本书中荟萃了建国以来国家颁布的数...
*** 本程式內容只供參考,不能代替醫生的診斷或測試。 ****** 如有疑問,應諮詢醫生,得到正確的診斷。****** 不要歧視愛滋病病毒感染者。***現今醫學界仍未研究出治瘉愛滋病的方法,所以要正確認識愛滋病,知道如何預防感染,以免後悔莫及。內容包括:- 甚麼是愛滋病?- 傳染途徑- 普遍的誤解...
HIV attacks our immune cells rendering us defenseless during attack by opportunistic pathogens. This app brings to your fingertips an engrossing anima...
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condit...
L'application idéale pour toutes les infirmières. Permet de faire rapidement des calculs de doses, calcul d'imc et calcul du score d'escar...
Bio-Strat Aid is one of the few interactive and suggestive applications in the Healthcare-Oncology domain. Bio-Strat Aid is a clinical aid for Prognos...
Meditation Aid is an app that helps you stick to a meditation routine.Current features include:*Quick how-to guide.*Specify length of session.*Ability...
Khalsa Aid (KA) is a humanitarian relief agency, based on the teachings of the Sikh Gurus who preached well being of all humanity. Since its launch in...
Nowadays, there are more than 40.000 people in Indonesia living with HIV, and more than 7.000 of them living without any explanation why they infected...
A handy chemistry reference app perfect for students taking chemistry in their middle or high school chemistry class, AP chemistry, or even college-le...