年度清宮題材卡牌手游扛鼎之作,百萬清穿粉絲力薦! 江山如畫,美人如玉,在這里你就是皇帝! 不做傳奇,只做經典,九龍閣傾力打造,只為尊貴的你。 清朝初年,山河動蕩,風雨飄搖,內憂外患叢生。在這個歷史亂流的時局,該如何挽救苦厄的天下蒼生,筑造太平盛世。快動動你的手指,坐擁江山,美人在懷,或許歷史將因你...
YardWallet is a decentralized bitcoin wallet based on HD Wallet (BIP32) technology. It allows you to store, send and receive bitcoins safely and gives...
Introducing the Jacket Wallet, Pheeva’s exclusive Bitcoin wallet for Georgia Tech students and alumni. The Jacket Wallet is a dedicated mobile Bitcoin...
Watch HLN live on your mobile device! Just use your username and password from your cable provider, and get the live broadcast from HLN wherever you g...
InList is a revolutionary members-only mobile app that keeps you in the know by recommending the hottest venues nightly in cities such as New York, Mi...
This is the official 2014 Musikfest App for IOS and is your FREE guide to everything happening at Musikfest, a 10-day festival that attracts over 1 mi...
The free Atlantic Broadband App with TiVo powers you with the ultimate TV experience on Apple devices! Watch live TV or recordings instantly on your i...
Welcome to the official app for Delaware State Fair! With this handy app, you can view the entire schedule for this year's event, as well as create y...
Esquire TV Now is your destination for FREE full episodes of Esquire Network shows. Log in with your television provider account to watch episodes any...