想要輕鬆管理每日卡路里攝取嗎? 想知道眼前食物包含了多少卡路里? 如果今日跑步了,除了記錄時間、距離並分享到臉書外,到底還減了多少卡路里呢? 今日飲食攝取的熱量跟路跑消耗的熱量,加總下來是否達成今日設定的卡路里目標了呢? 我們聽到您的心聲了! 康健人壽特別設計結合飲食與路跑功能,並使用卡路里管理圈來...
想要輕鬆管理每日卡路里攝取嗎? 想知道眼前食物包含了多少卡路里? 如果今日跑步了,除了記錄時間、距離並分享到臉書外,到底還減了多少卡路里呢? 今日飲食攝取的熱量跟路跑消耗的熱量,加總下來是否達成今日設定的卡路里目標了呢? 我們聽到您的心聲了! 康健人壽特別設計結合飲食與路跑功能,並使用卡路里管理圈來...
中医对肥胖大体上可分为以下几种类型,即:暴食肥胖型;压力肥胖型;水肿肥胖型;贫血肥胖型;疲劳肥胖型等。中医减肥主要是通过针灸相应穴位加之其它中医常用的辅助治疗手段实现减重, 现代医学认为单纯性肥胖多伴有内分泌紊乱, 各种激素, 尤其是胰岛素、性激素、肾上腺皮质激素、瘦素等异常, 可通过针灸来调理内分...
你會發現溫暖多做練習,好氧的常式,有氧與啞鈴,邁出一步,健美操跳舞鍛煉,冷靜下來......的練習很容易減肥和加強你的身體。您將享受行使與此應用程式,因為有氧是最好的方式,應以形狀並以有趣的方式減肥: abs 練習,多的有氧鍛煉,不同部分的身體 (啟動、 abs、 武器、 核心、 肩膀、 回來......
The game is simple, but yet so complicated. You must build the tallest castle in the world so that it will reach the sky. You have the power of using ...
★★★★★Tap the screen to release the BlockCraft and pile up as high as you can in this challenging new stacking game.-Go up against the clock -Stack 'em...
Welcome to the world of construction. Tower Craft Building, trying to build a highest tower you can ... make her get into Heaven! Build a tower of blo...
Now compatible with iOS 6.---------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Dreamland, an old abandoned amusement park! It is full...
Test your skills with amazing tower balance gamebuild your blocks as high as you can challenge yourself and your friend with highly addictive tower bu...
Black Friday SALES! Get the best apps with 50% discount this whole week! Tower Crane Simulator 3D is one of amazing and addictive game for everyone wh...
A flight simulator shooter that also introduces a new "virtual window" style of virtual reality using the gyroscope (to see youtube video, click on th...