一款玩法非常新颖的益智小游戏,游戏中你要利用幽灵去吓唬和折磨那些不受欢迎的旅客。也许你一开始不太会玩,请看一下介绍吧。 游戏画面风格比较偏向于街机时代的设计。玩法上,游戏融合了解谜消除和策略元素,游戏的玩法是非常少见的:你需要在象征房间的格子中合理的放置幽灵或者怪物等等恐怖的东西,这里不同的幽灵怪物...
一款玩法非常新颖的益智小游戏,游戏中你要利用幽灵去吓唬和折磨那些不受欢迎的旅客。也许你一开始不太会玩,请看一下介绍吧。 游戏画面风格比较偏向于街机时代的设计。玩法上,游戏融合了解谜消除和策略元素,游戏的玩法是非常少见的:你需要在象征房间的格子中合理的放置幽灵或者怪物等等恐怖的东西,这里不同的幽灵怪物...
拍照及錄影時可在AR(擴增實境)效果中加上新穎的驚悚主題內容!您可以在Xperia AR效果應用程式中新增驚悚主題內容。藉由驚悚主題,您可以在建立的圖片與影片中給好友的臉部戴上恐怖的面具,以各種方式使圖片與影片變得更有趣。以獨一無二的效果將寶貴的記憶呈現出來。在現實世界中透過觀景窗挖掘擴增實境下的奇...
Jungle is a very dangerous place even for its "citizens". One little panda got into trouble and it needs your help badly. You are going to play as a v...
The little mouse starts its adventure flying on the balloon! But the journey is not as safe as it thinks: there are a lot of dangers, obstacles and en...
Have you ever played beach volleyball with... jellies? Now you have such a chance with our new Jelly Volley! This 2 player sport game is the combinati...
Oh, my! The little cute doggie fell down into the river! The swift waters bring it very fast and it needs your help badly! Use your accuracy and dexte...
Meet Jasha Wolf, who likes fun and parties. He come to the village to eat some chickens, but all chickens have hidden, he can't find any. Jasha is...
MeroAnswer is a web and android based application to prepare competitive exams. Currently we are in version 0.1 and our service area is limited to IOM...
Block Game ist ein Highscore Spiel in dem versuchen muss alle Blöcke zu entfernen.Um Blöcke zu entfernen, tippe auf mindestens drei aneinander liegend...
Aquesta aplicació està disenyada per tal que, les persones relacionades amb la nostra classe (alumnes, pares/mares, familiars...) puguen estar informa...