

放鬆鈴聲包括42首有趣的鈴聲,採用簡潔的界面和方便的操作,可以設成來電鈴聲,通知鈴聲以及鬧鐘鈴聲。 功能介紹: *播放鈴聲:點擊本程序界面的鈴聲按鈕播放,再次點擊按鈕停止播放。 *安裝鈴聲:要將鈴聲保存到手機上,您只需長按按鈕1秒,當彈出菜單後選擇相應的選項即可。安裝之後,您可以根據你的需 求選擇是...


Berry 50005000 points in a 3-match game – the challenge seems to be so easy in Berry 5000?Are you sure to achieve this rightly? Dare you want to try a...

Falling Down

A calamity has befallen the tranquil planet of the Furries. A strange and mysterious artifact has fallen from the sky changing half the population int...