当代社会如滚滚洪流,竞争激烈,追求卓越,渴望成功是每一个人寻求自我提升的最高境界。胸怀鸿志,不断激励自我,踏寻一条成功的捷径,是每一位成功人士的最终慨言。如何追求卓越,如何走向成功,成功者必备有哪些身心基础与准备,正是本套《成功励志经典》编撰的初衷。 成功学历来被人们视为抽象、玄奥的学问,本套丛书从...
心态是命运真正的主人。一个连自己的心态都控制不了的人,那他的人生也必将摇摆不定,其结果自然是与失败为伍,与成功绝缘。 生活中,我们经常会听到有人抱怨,说上天对自己多么不公平,未能给自己提供一个良好的环境,从而导致自己一直碌碌无为。那么,人生的结局真的是由于外界环境所造成的吗? 当然不是。正如世界著名...
User will be satisfied with this Bengali - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary- Detail description for each word and a lot of ...
INTO Queen's University Belfast student app has been developed to help new and existing students familiarise themselves with the INTO Centre and surro...
INTO St George's, University of London student app has been developed to help new and existing students familiarize themselves with the INTO Centre an...
Bengali FlowersBengali Flowers is an intuitive app that will help the user to learn the various flowers name in two languages, Bengali and English. It...
Direct Images Interactive is an inbound marketing agency specializing in high-impact video production and online graphic design. Our media marketing s...
DescriptionLooking for ways to increase participation in your utility’s small business energy efficiency rebate program? DNV GL, a global leader in th...
An app used by theatre directors, stage managers, and production assistants for organizing daily, weekly or monthly theatrical notes, production notes...