SonicMaps Editor
SonicMaps is a Locative Audio (GPS Audio Tour) platform and complete solution for sound geolocation. Create an audio guide to a popular place, a locat...
SonicMaps is a Locative Audio (GPS Audio Tour) platform and complete solution for sound geolocation. Create an audio guide to a popular place, a locat...
An easy to use application for creating beautiful collages with your favourite photographs. You can edit your photos, apply image effects and add text...
Flowchart Editor - editor which helps you to create simple flowcharts with maximum speed.You don't need to draw lines, resize blocks or choose bet...
This application allows the user to input a well-defined latitude and longitude. Checks for format and range values help to prevent the user from inpu...
電影編輯器是一個功能強大的視頻編輯器,让Android設備上進行視頻編輯变得那很容易。主要特點:- 修剪你的視頻- 刪除選定的部分視頻- 您的視頻分割成兩個片段- 將多個視頻合併成一個文件(5個視頻可以合併一次!)- 視頻轉換為MP3音頻- 抓幀- 分享您的剪輯到Youtube,Facebook等的...
SQL Editor is a very simple SQL editor, it can color the syntax nodes : nodes, attributes, properties, events, support autocompletion and search and r...
Java Editor is a very simple Java editor, it can color the syntax nodes : nodes, attributes, properties, events, support autocompletion and search and...
Have you ever considered organizing all the photo and video files you have stored in your smartphone, and given that up? Well, here is an app that can...
本应用是专为三星手机制作的萌字体软件,无需ROOT,无需重启,适配包括Galaxy S4在内的三星手机,完美替换字体。让您的微信,微博,Go桌面等字体漂亮无极限,是您贴心的手机字体管家。 本应用将在您的手机上安装新的字体,与手机上的FlipFont程序是兼容的。要使用本字体包,请确认您的手机可以改变...
萌中文字体应用(ˉ(∞)ˉ),专为三星手机用户制作(适配包括Galaxy S4在内的三星手机),不需要ROOT也不需要重启,可以轻易改变系统字体,简单的改变您的心情!个性化手机由您主宰!让您每天都有一个快乐的心情,新鲜的体验~ ( ⊙o⊙ )哇,这么萌的字体,小伙伴们都惊呆啦! 快下载下来安装到手机...