在句子中體會兩個意思相反的英文單字,加深記憶,譬如heaven,相反詞hell,再用簡明扼要的例句,加深印象,把英文強化成自己的能力,Karma divides the roads to heaven and hell. 這樣的方式學習英文是不是更有趣,更容易記住,強化自己的英文實力。本應用程式內容...
在句子中體會兩個意思相反的英文單字,加深記憶,譬如heaven,相反詞hell,再用簡明扼要的例句,加深印象,把英文強化成自己的能力,Karma divides the roads to heaven and hell. 這樣的方式學習英文是不是更有趣,更容易記住,強化自己的英文實力。本應用程式內容...
ABC英文單字簿的主要功能是讓使用者能使用Excel快速的編寫出自己所要的單字簿 使用者只需要把背誦的背單,使用Excel編輯之後,再匯入軟體中,就可利用日常生活中小空檔的時間,隨時隨地拿起手機背誦或複習單字,讓你充分達到事半功倍的效果,幫助你的英文能力更上一層樓 單字記憶的功能讓使用者可以上下移動...
Acompanhe online sua conta telefônica!Com o Conta Online Checkcall é possível saber o consumo da franquia em tempo real, sem surpresas no final do mês...
If you often forgetting birthdays of your family or friends then this is the must-have app for you. Whole app is designed in the newest material desig...
This is a simple and light app that gives you a quick view to live cameras of the Penang 2nd bridge.#marathon #marathon2014 #PenangMarathon #...
Create your album in video format from images.Make a video using many images and photo with background music/theme.Thousands of memory images are stor...
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Código de Procedimientos Civiles del Estado de MéxicoLeyes del Estado de MéxicoCaracterísticas:- Actualizaciones automáticas cuando se produzcan cambi...
Are you ready to challenge your Brain ?A great game to exercise your memory !Brainix Kids Fun is a fun game for kids. You can Play memory games like f...