簡介 : 往生咒,全稱拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,又稱往生淨土神咒,是佛教淨土宗的重要咒語。淨土宗認為,誦持此咒能拔除一切業障。誦持此咒者,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂,並在其命終之時,接引其入西方淨土。程式功能 : 基本的往生咒閱讀。提供”唱誦(未知)”、”道證法師恭讀”、”淨土篇 - ...
簡介 : 往生咒,全稱拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼,又稱往生淨土神咒,是佛教淨土宗的重要咒語。淨土宗認為,誦持此咒能拔除一切業障。誦持此咒者,阿彌陀佛會在其頭上護持,使他離苦得樂,並在其命終之時,接引其入西方淨土。程式功能 : 基本的往生咒閱讀。提供”唱誦(未知)”、”道證法師恭讀”、”淨土篇 - ...
西藏最有名的咒两种之一,莲花生大士咒,称为金刚上师咒。像大多数的咒一样,此咒是印度古老神圣的语文。莲花生大士咒是梵文写的。念诵莲花生大士心咒,你就是在净化环境、净化你自己和其他一切众生。念诵此神有助于修行和觉悟。念诵莲花生大士心咒取的圆满证悟境界的话,就能有利益自己和一切众生。免費玩莲花生大士心咒 ...
西藏最有名的咒两种之一,莲花生大士咒,称为金刚上师咒。像大多数的咒一样,此咒是印度古老神圣的语文。莲花生大士咒是梵文写的。念诵莲花生大士心咒,你就是在净化环境、净化你自己和其他一切众生。念诵此神有助于修行和觉悟。念诵莲花生大士心咒取的圆满证悟境界的话,就能有利益自己和一切众生。免費玩莲花生大士心咒 ...
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"05 min: Mantenimiento de su Vehículo" es una aplicación de consulta rápida, que te explica todo lo relativo al mantenimiento de su vehículo. En 5 mi...
We GO the Extra Mile!Our Airport shuttle is a prompt, door-to-door transportation service linking Milwaukee’s General Mitchell Airport (MKE) and Chica...
Through 8 fun activities, your kids will improve their mental calculation skills. In each activity, select a type of operation (addition, subtraction,...
Pets Doodle is loaded with features that will keep the user coming back over and over again. The app allows the user to use a picture of their favorit...
Cutest Paw gives you the cutest animals around the world. It’s filled with thousands of gorgeous photos of cute animals and pets shared by their proud...
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