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老人宝掌上客户端,让父母使用的智能机定时上传定位数据、为父母提供一键求助、语音提醒、亲情拨号等功能。轻松一点即可为父母送去贴心的服务,让你的孝心换一种方式,弹指之间,孝心相连。免費玩老人宝 APP玩免費免費玩老人宝 App老人宝 APP LOGO老人宝 APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用A...
养老宝是中国银行与基金公司合作推出的余额理财服务,主要面向中国银行保障卡持卡客户,提供货币市场基金买入以及T+0快速卖出服务,可实时到账,以解您用钱之急。您也可实时查看您的总资产、每日收益情况,轻轻松松管理您的闲余资金。支持在手机APP、网页、网点柜台等多渠道购买,方便快捷。 货币基金不等同于银行存...
养心宝-心理体检与调理 “全民焦虑”时代下,让压力变成浮云,您不想试试? 好心态,幸福感的基石,事业线的动力! 心态,决定一切。幸福成功,在您手中! 养心宝,心理体检+自我调理的APP领航者。 ================ 养心宝,领先的五大特色功能: 心理体检:每周一次;中断可继续;掩饰、夸大...
Here is a little addicting rally style racing game where you collect as many coins as you can before the time runs out. The game features 4 highly det...
They are lovely and beautiful, but are they real? And if they are: Are they good or evil? Some are on the bright side, some on the dark side!This live...
Hello and welcome to a new surgery game called Cat Heart Surgery. I`m sure you are going to love playing this game and make our little kitty feel bett...
Welcome to Animal Games injury. You have a new mission this time doctor.You are a pet doctor in a pet hospital and you need to save a little cat that ...
Welcome to the new Nurse.com Unbound! This free digital publication is brought to you by the brand nurses know and love: Nurse.com. It is designed to ...
This revolutionary new app allows you or your loved one to get the attention they need. If you or your loved one is staying at a hospital or long term...
Hello to all the friv games lovers. We are happy to introduce you to a great game called Friv Christmas Games. Everybody loves Christmas because the g...