
AU Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 400 Austalian locations. Displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset times and moon phase. Uses geolo...

FR Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 200 French locations.Uses geolocation to find closest locations.Displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise, m...

UK Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 700 UK locations.Covers:- Channel Islands- England- Ireland- Isle of Man- Northern Ireland- Scotland-...


强力电击棒是与您的朋友玩得开心,假装他们是将被电的. 描述了: 这个程序是一个一招鲜的,但是诀窍是乐趣的,如果你可以把它关闭了.一个ON / OFF开关,电动电击枪的Stungun类似的设备在你的屏幕上显示图片.当你的轻按开关时,你的设备简单地闪烁和振动,模拟电击.玩得开心,有的人认为他们是得到死机...


Banjo is your all-access pass to live events and breaking news around the world. We discover social posts from your favorite networks, sort them by lo...