

跨越數千公里直至來到目標在遙遠的城市。 在第一階段將不得不小心迎面而來的車輛,多橋樑,以保存橫穿馬路的河流。 第二階段是一條公路,你可以進入山地賽段,其中一個冰冷的道路可以使它難以維持對汽車的控制之前,放鬆一下。 在第四階段,將推動在夜間,能見度會降低。有些司機報告看到了UFO在這個區域。 最後,您...

Stocks Sample

Stocks app that allows you keep track of your favorite stocks. Add/Delete stocks to your list, check out the stocks news, and the latest price for the...


Dress is a simple game designed for people who like clothes and accessories but do not have time to prove it. In the application you can dress a figur...

Stocks Cal

This is a simple application for calculating profit/loss based on a stock buy/sale price traded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). The calculation of co...