爱地图产品是一款运行在移动端的专门用来管理、浏览、分享地图的应用产品。它是GIS 业内首款专业的、免费的掌上地图阅读软件。它提供的主要功能有:1.地图商店:内置地图商店,无缝对接地图汇在线数据与SuperMap在线地图商店数据,实现获取、管理以及相关信息的查看等操作。2.本地数据管理:实现对本地数据...
爱地图产品是一款运行在移动端的专门用来管理、浏览、分享地图的应用产品。它是GIS 业内首款专业的、免费的掌上地图阅读软件。它提供的主要功能有:1.地图商店:内置地图商店,无缝对接地图汇在线数据与SuperMap在线地图商店数据,实现获取、管理以及相关信息的查看等操作。2.本地数据管理:实现对本地数据...
新浪汽车出品——爱车地图是一款基于位置服务的软件, 快速精准的定位, 让您5秒内找到附近停车场和加油站, 免费看全国各城市路况, 一键发布身边路况, 停车计时, 找到我的车工具, 精彩功能邀请您体验。, 【加油站】地图快速精准定位,身边20个加油站信息即刻可见。 【停车场】找不到停车场?有了爱车地图...
Latest Greek News has a variety of categorised rss feeds and lets you either view the selected rss or even subscribe to it so every time you start the...
Stay informed and up-to-date about the current events in Greece.News from the following newspapapers:Kathimerini, To Vima, Ta nea, , Real News, City P...
A live wallpaper to support Greece in this crisis. The wallpaper has two messages that change every minute. "I will never leave you alone" and "Hold t...
Grooky Reader Android App is a dedicated Mobile RSS Reader for Greece and Cyprus! Users can choose to get informed and keep up to date from Greek RSS ...
- Fixed some small bug.- Fixed can play video,youtube,flash on Website(Android 2.3 to up).- Speedup load news- Apply new layout to easy using- Replace...
The Thessalonik4all.gr is an initiative of publishing company Methexis aiming to highlight the city of Thessaloniki.The idea arose from the need to be...
This app is a RSS feed reader that allows you to add/edit/remove RSS or ATOM feeds from any source. Stay current with what is happening in your countr...
您可以在一個熱帶天堂,在世界上最神奇的島嶼之一的沙灘 - 希臘聖托里尼!高清十大美女“希臘背景”將帶您前往這個美麗的“世外桃源度假酒店”!一些最有吸引力的“夏天壁紙”的等待著你,如果你下載這個免費的應用程序的Android™吧!想像自己附近的愛琴海的藍色潟湖,與冷飲在你的手中,藏在棕櫚樹的陰影,而你...