Siddur Ari
Full featured Nusach Ari Siddur with real flowing text (not scanned pages). Features multiple font options and sizes to provide the ideal davening exp...
Full featured Nusach Ari Siddur with real flowing text (not scanned pages). Features multiple font options and sizes to provide the ideal davening exp...
WiseChild Talmud includes the complete Babylonian Talmud laid out with Android sensibilities. A tabbed interface provides quick access to the Gemara, ...
Complete machzor for Tisha B'Av, including Kinos. Has all of the prayers for Tisha B'av and all the halachos from the Aruch HaShulchan. Includ...
A suite of solar time widgets. Set a one time or repeating alarm to go off at a particular solar hour (ex. ten minutes before sunrise). Two clock widg...
ToddlerN is a toddler friendly learning activity. Your toddler will play games that will teach him/her how to say all the letters of the alphabet, num...
Racing 구구단입니다.[광고없는 버전]구구단을 싫어하는 아이들도 재미있게 익힐 수 있습니다.레이싱게임을 통해 재미있게 구구단을 배울 수 ...
SOME LIMITATIONS WITH ANDROID KITKAT - 4.4 OR HIGHER: Encrytion only on internal storage!DroidCrypt - an intelligent and application-oriented file enc...
智能設備旅遊應用程式 “街めぐ”具有地圖功能並導入了豐富之旅遊景點,幫助您制定遊覽計劃和事先學習景點知識,讓您旅途有更深之發現。 名勝、古蹟、神壇佛閣、絕佳景點……為了讓您充分享受精彩紛呈之旅遊,我們將分主題帶您遊覽線路。【特色】 ◆地圖顯示遊覽鎌倉相關人物之最佳線路。 我們將依次發布源賴朝、北條政...
X Secret diary(Private Note) is a note book (diary) with password,you must input password to access.X Secret diary(Private Note) will lock the notes.Y...
Shake 2 light.Shake your Android to activate the flashlight !.Configuration options:- Activate-Deactivate app.- Sensibility.- Light duration- Boot. Ma...