BoHoKan 報好康
[BoHoKan 報好康] 最多人使用的LBS行動優惠App, 創下兩天下載 12,000次的紀錄,可以讓您隨時隨地查詢與分享周遭的好康優惠,包括:1.知名速食連鎖餐飲優惠券(麥當勞、肯德基、摩斯、頂呱呱、21世紀..)2.知名速食連鎖咖啡廳優惠訊息(星巴克、伯朗、怡客、IS....)3.銀行的信用...
[BoHoKan 報好康] 最多人使用的LBS行動優惠App, 創下兩天下載 12,000次的紀錄,可以讓您隨時隨地查詢與分享周遭的好康優惠,包括:1.知名速食連鎖餐飲優惠券(麥當勞、肯德基、摩斯、頂呱呱、21世紀..)2.知名速食連鎖咖啡廳優惠訊息(星巴克、伯朗、怡客、IS....)3.銀行的信用...
WoW Work Out World is known for KEEPING JERSEY STRONG ® through providing people with the right combination of best-in-class facilities, professional ...
邊賺邊玩 《好康123》人氣下載中!! 免費紅利點數用途: 使用者可透過問答活動, 獲得免費的紅利點數外, 也可透過累積的紅利點數在《好康123》直接進入商城兌換商品。 商品種類眾多,包括商品券、禮券、遊戲點數、實體商品以及優惠券...等! 眾多免費的好康,都在等著您來領取喔! 四大機智問答: 遊戲...
邊賺邊玩 《好康123》人氣下載中!!免費紅利點數用途:使用者可透過問答活動, 獲得免費的紅利點數外,也可透過累積的紅利點數在《好康123》直接進入商城兌換商品。商品種類眾多,包括商品券、禮券、遊戲點數、實體商品以及優惠券...等!眾多免費的好康,都在等著您來領取喔!四大機智問答:遊戲方式:分別為圈...
Touch Action Game "GATE"You must open the oncoming doors to proceed."GATE" is a touch action game which has players open oncoming doors ("gates") by m...
DropCopy - easily share files and clipboard text between iPhones, iPod Touches and Macintosh computers. DropCopy lite is a way to try out DropCopy for...
Are you going to search an interesting game that helps you kill time, or have fun by experiencing the fascination in American-style roulette games? No...
Background Timer is a very easy to user Timer application.Unlike the build-in timer, the following useful functionalities are added :- The time can be...
*******ON SALE NOW!!! .99 cents for a limited time only!!!********************* Time for action with this fast paced matching game that will leave you...
Create FUN and unique Avatars quickly on your iPad using Facemakr's advanced Multitouch engine.No1 ranking Social Networking iPad app in June and July...