

恒春半岛除了最为人所熟知的垦丁大街与热情洋溢的海滩外,隐藏版的知名美食及私房景点您可曾造访过呢?由「经济部商业司」制作的「恒春半岛带路机」 行动向导将恒春半岛内好吃、好玩、好有趣的景点及店家一网打尽。可一览三大洋的「小方寸」、藏身在巷弄里的「巷子厨坊」、前身为五星级饭店厨师开的「龙盘 餐饮」等等,还...

The Tankers

Become a tank driver, and destroy thousands of hostile units using mines, TNTs and homing missiles which are able to destroy everything you see.Featur...


TUFFLA was developed by the leading urban fiction publisher in the United States, SBR Publications; and it was developed in order to strengthen the ap...


The bride and groom get married. And you need to look beautiful in a special way. In this game, your task is simple - you need to use all the dominati...