

歡迎使用新光銀行行動服務 Android App,服務功能:1.帳務服務: ※轉帳功能:即時臺幣約定/非約定帳戶轉帳、即時外匯換匯、新光銀行信用卡繳款、新壽續期保費繳款等功能,另提供預約交易。※預約轉帳功能:預約臺幣約定/非約定帳戶轉帳、預約新光銀行信用卡繳款、預約轉帳取消等功能。※帳戶查詢:預約轉...

Pop Safari

Fun! Fun! Fun! Happy Never EndsTry to save the beauty explorer from the giant bear's claw!Brand new operation will turn on your happy mode! Helpful ma...

Pop Music Game

Are you a pop star, or do you know your music? Let's put it to the test!••• TONS of LEVELS !!! ••• ••• Awesome Design / Great Effects •••••• Sounds & ...