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Shrimad Bhagwat Gita In HindiThe Bhagavad Gita, also referred to as Gita, is a 700–verse Dharmic scripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic M...
Autobiography of Mahatma GandhiPlease help sahitya chintan digitization project!Four or five years ago, at the instance of some of my nearest co-worke...
Rabindranath Tagore sobriquet Gurudev, was a Bengali polymath who reshaped his region's literature and music. Author of Gitanjali and its "profoun...
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Munshi Premchand was an Indian writer famous for his modern Hindi-Urdu literature. He is one of the most celebrated writers of the Indian subcontinent...
Aarti, also spelled arathi, aarthi is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee or camphor is offe...