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Baby YouTube

收集兒童影片從Youtube為您的寶寶!超過50個選定的視頻和20小時的樂趣!你的寶寶一定會喜歡的視頻的選擇,為您的手機或平板電腦的應用程序。影片舒緩,睡覺,玩耍。根據每個年齡段劃分。除了嬰兒的視頻,也分享了一些家長的影片!它還包括了超過20張照片到你的寶寶和家長的享受。其他應用包括:- 指標要弄清...

Baby Madness

In this game you have to take care of the babies by helping them get out of trouble.The floor on which the babies are playing is not very stable and w...

Potty Baby

Potty Baby is designed to help parents potty train their child.It will alert you at intervals (defined by yourself) when you child should use the pott...

Baby Puzzle

App 4 Play presents Baby PuzzleHow well do you know your favorite image ? Try this game to find it out yourself.Take a few seconds to memorize the pic...