Rabbit Launcher(兔子桌面)v1.0.5一款具有3D效果的桌面软件,拥有丰富的主题扩展程序。软件特点:极光滑的3D过渡效果和Adobe Flash的像动画各种各样的美观卓越的3D家庭主题/活壁纸 方便的应用抽屉,可以按名称排序的应用程序,安装日期,使用的频率进行排序轻松按几秒钟的图标编...
主题介绍:MIUI主题是360手机桌面为您量身定制的主题类应用,让你的桌面随心定制。使用主题,让你的手机一秒钟变成MIUI风格!欢迎关注360手机桌面官方微博:http://weibo.com/360launcher使用方法:1. 请确定手机上已安装360手机桌面,安装主题后依照指示操作提示即可。2...
Quickly add notes to your notification bar to remind you of important things to do. Note icons are displayed in notification bar for high visibility e...
It’s one of the best application in its category. Clinez Notes is not only a very useful note taking app for you, but it’s capable of helping you mana...
Simple Notepad that allows you to add multiple notes to a list. Each note has a title that is used as the list label, and a note area to put anything ...
VNotes meets all of your note-taking needs, from quick personal reminders to longer notes for school or work. Enjoy an easy-to-use, intuitive environm...
NOTE: Pls contact us at ' support.android@pocketyourworld.com ' before leaving bad reviews and we can help fix the issue. Looking for a notes applicat...
ウルクスヘブン×アルヴィオンADVシリーズ第一弾タイトル「Fragment's Note(フラグメンツノート)」。感動のストーリーで綴る、オリジナル恋愛アドベンチャーゲームです。未来を変えるため、少女は新たな物語を紡ぐことを決意する。『自分の思い』を、叶えるために……。未来と現在。それらが重...
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