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微码,全球首款二维码社交应用,不同于传统的二维码应用。 通过二维码进行社交,以二维码构建新的朋友圈。 相遇是缘,给二维码留下评价。 微码,扫二维码结交新朋友! ★主要功能★ - 轻松识别二维码、条码,安全扫码快、准、狠 - 扫码邂逅,扫码评论,全新的社交体验 - 扫码后随心操作,文本复制,链接打开,...
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هل تبحث عن اجمل و ارق صور كفرات للفيس بوك ؟ يسر فريق عمل سوالف ان يقدم لكم تطبيق اجمل و ارق صور كفرات للفيس بوك إذا أعجبكم تطبيق اجمل و ارق صور كفرات ...
Preschool Toddlers Animals Lite can help your baby learning different kind of Animals in enjoyable way. It includes the pictures and sounds, Baby can ...
Preschool Toddlers Vehicles Lite can help your baby learning different kind of Vehicles in enjoyable way. It includes the pictures and sounds, Baby ca...
Surah Yusuf (Story of prophet yusuf) [English, Urdu, Maly]:“Surah Yusuf”( Joseph) was revealed all at once unlike other Surahs and is unique in this w...
الرحيق المختوم هو سيرة (حياة النبي محمد) من النبي محمد الإسلامية، وكتب باللغتين العربية والأردية من قبل كتاب الرحيق المختوم هو أحد الكتب المتخصصة في س...
Artists and tunes from the 1950's through today! From Sinatra to Buble' From The Drifters to Diana Krall. From Americana, Cross-over Country a...
Delta is the new frequency of electronic music broadcasting from Buenos Aires through 90.3 FM and the rest of the world through www.fmdelta903.com.The...
The Oil & Gas Journal, first published in1902, is the first place people look for the latest intelligence on every aspect of the oil and gas industry....