為你的相片的一部份或整張加上馬賽克. 支持RAW格式(已測試CR2,NEF,ARW和ORF),打開RAW文件需要大量的RAM,如果您嘗試在一台中低端設備中打開一個RAW文件, 請不要抱怨app崩潰。提示:- 你可以直接在圖片庫, 瀏覽器或Dropbox中share相片到這個app來打開圖片- 把手指...
為你的相片的一部份或整張加上馬賽克. 支持RAW格式(已測試CR2,NEF,ARW和ORF),打開RAW文件需要大量的RAM,如果您嘗試在一台中低端設備中打開一個RAW文件, 請不要抱怨app崩潰。提示:- 你可以直接在圖片庫, 瀏覽器或Dropbox中share相片到這個app來打開圖片- 把手指...
吃喝玩樂、旅遊規劃,「來趣我嘉」是旅客來嘉義、阿里山必備的APP導覽工具。內容提供嘉義吃、喝、玩、樂的實用資訊,並包含導覽、18鄉鎮介紹、推薦行程、伴手禮及旅宿等功能,詳細介紹嘉義特色商店與景點,搭配地圖定位輕鬆遊玩嘉義。「來趣我嘉」還提供好康優惠與創意大頭貼,來嘉義拿好康、輕鬆玩!免費玩來趣我嘉 ...
萝莉驾到!让你的照片变杂志,瞬间找到大牌明星的感觉。 设计感十足的排版,小清新的色彩风,让你的照片高端大气上档次。 软件操作清晰简单易上手:选模版,选照片,两步搞定排版。 随后数十种实时特效滤镜、绚丽背景、展现生活多姿的你。滤镜效果可以每张照片单独控制,玩跨界玩穿越易如反掌。 丰富多变的背景,十余款...
CyPeers delivers a simple and easy to use messaging service based on your phone number, that is Secure. Sometimes you just want something that gets th...
So you open your email on your mobile device and there is an attachment.. You open read... and now the next you want to reference that document you ha...
Reel Code Media is an augmented reality app, taking the QR code to the next level!Reel Code Media allows you to scan a Reel Code framed image with you...
CyPeers™ Mail is an encrypted e-mail service for anyone who is concerned about online privacy. CyPeers™ Mail is a quick alternative when you need to s...
Photo Lenzer is a photo hosting service that is fully functional in both app & web applications that enable users to SCAN physical photos using your m...
"The coolest, fastest, easiest way to share photos since the invention of photos.”--Gina Lamanna, Professional Photo SharerAnnoyed with the 15 steps i...
****** THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ADS ******Are you enjoy to playing classical game - pikachu ? Do you want to play and pass all level of game anywhere...