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玉山證券《玉山A+行動下單》股市APP,提供完整證券、期貨、權證、興櫃股票隨行下單,台股、外匯、國際股市金融報價、財經新聞,並有豐富盤後資訊圖像視覺化、到價警示免盯盤等實用功能。投資下單‧首選玉山。 功能特色: 1.雲端自選股跨平台使用,省時省力好方便! 2.到價警示離線推播,免盯盤、免登入APP,...
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考证宝-证券[V1.2.0] 考证宝-证券多位名师从成吨的教材中将历年考点提炼、整理出来,能够省去 考生大量的学习时间,现代人工作学习很忙、生活节奏快,没有大量的时间去看书记忆,而考考证宝-证券正是在解决这样的难题,每一个章节内容都只有精华部分,内容少方便记忆,学练结合,图形化学习掌握进度。考证宝-...
The guide provides in-depth tutorials with well described step by step manner.The encyclopedia enlightens every single aspect and hidden gem of iOS 8,...
** Note about Synchronization ** To use your myNAB Show Schedules in the app you need to create an account at www.nabshow.com/myNABShow. Once an accou...
Help this adorable panda bounce her way back to her beautiful paradise! Its gunna be tricky but I think you can do it!Jump and dodge obstacles and thr...
Discover the highlights with tripwolf, your personal travel guide! Follow the recommendations of the tripwolf community and get tips from experienced ...
Discover the highlights with tripwolf, your personal travel guide! Follow the recommendations of the tripwolf community and get tips from experienced ...
Stobart Finder tracks all 2,500+ trucks in the Stobart fleet on a map - in real time!Stobart Finder turns your iPhone into an amazing live view of the...