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. GOBAR - Aplikacija za gobarjePred vami je najpopolnejša in najnaprednejša aplikacija za gobarje. Aplikacija bo z možnostmi , ki jih ponuja navdušila...

Find Puppy

內容介紹 : GO FIND YOUR LOST LOVELY PUPPY! You have lost your dog.With the help of a picture and your sleuthing abilities you must find it in time.clicki...

Puppy Training

With more and more people buying dogs the need for good training is become a necessity. There are tons of people out there who are buying dogs because...


宠物咖啡屋(Pet Cafe)是知名宠物游戏开发商Animoca出品的模拟经营游戏,可爱又好玩。 玩家需要聘请Cuby和他的好朋友们来城里新开的一间舒适的餐厅当服务员!为饥饿的客人们准备早餐、午餐和晚餐食物,供应各种美味佳肴, 努力工作赢得良好的声誉和可观的利润! 随着餐厅开业的消息流传,VIP客户...