乐生活是由百腾科技打造汇集民生资讯、房产团购、购车优惠、违章查询、美食打 折、网上订餐、同城交友、公交查询等功能,免费、安全、无广告! 乐生活作为数据时代互联网最为前沿、最具活力的产品,将会覆盖襄阳市的各类专 业资讯,提供交友互动、生活服务功能领域的后台服务模块,全面支持iOS与Android系 统...
乐生活是由百腾科技打造汇集民生资讯、房产团购、购车优惠、违章查询、美食打 折、网上订餐、同城交友、公交查询等功能,免费、安全、无广告! 乐生活作为数据时代互联网最为前沿、最具活力的产品,将会覆盖襄阳市的各类专 业资讯,提供交友互动、生活服务功能领域的后台服务模块,全面支持iOS与Android系 统...
无限互联,快乐生活,乐生活将社区便民服务与社区智能设施完美结合,为社区业主及周边用户打造一个集多类生活服务为一体的全面社区服务生态圈。 在这里,你可以及时获悉小区重要公告,随时查询账单及欠费情况;也可申请报修,联系装修,乐生活将帮你精简报修装修的繁杂申请流程,只需手机在手,即可快速搞定。 在这里,你...
乐生活是由百腾科技打造汇集民生资讯、房产团购、购车优惠、违章查询、美食打 折、网上订餐、同城交友、公交查询等功能,免费、安全、无广告! 乐生活作为数据时代互联网最为前沿、最具活力的产品,将会覆盖襄阳市的各类专 业资讯,提供交友互动、生活服务功能领域的后台服务模块,全面支持iOS与Android系 统...
CyPeers delivers a simple and easy to use messaging service based on your phone number, that is Secure. Sometimes you just want something that gets th...
So you open your email on your mobile device and there is an attachment.. You open read... and now the next you want to reference that document you ha...
Reel Code Media is an augmented reality app, taking the QR code to the next level!Reel Code Media allows you to scan a Reel Code framed image with you...
CyPeers™ Mail is an encrypted e-mail service for anyone who is concerned about online privacy. CyPeers™ Mail is a quick alternative when you need to s...
Photo Lenzer is a photo hosting service that is fully functional in both app & web applications that enable users to SCAN physical photos using your m...
"The coolest, fastest, easiest way to share photos since the invention of photos.”--Gina Lamanna, Professional Photo SharerAnnoyed with the 15 steps i...
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