还在为小孩没有玩伴而烦恼吗? 周末不知道带小孩去什么地方玩而苦恼吗? 小孩胆小、不合群而苦闷吗? 那就加入我们的“宝贝+”吧,在这里你可以发现身边任意距离范围内的小朋友,和他们一起聊天,一起组织去公园或游乐场玩。 —麻麻们从加入“宝贝+”开始,就能根据宝宝的出生年月,和妈妈们的所在地,自动加入相对应...
还在为小孩没有玩伴而烦恼吗? 周末不知道带小孩去什么地方玩而苦恼吗? 小孩胆小、不合群而苦闷吗? 那就加入我们的“宝贝+”吧,在这里你可以发现身边任意距离范围内的小朋友,和他们一起聊天,一起组织去公园或游乐场玩。 —麻麻们从加入“宝贝+”开始,就能根据宝宝的出生年月,和妈妈们的所在地,自动加入相对应...
暖暖为您准备了两种风格的简介,您可以挑自己喜欢的看。 成熟稳重版: 暖暖是一款让"她"更受尊重,让"他" 更懂风度更懂爱的免费移动社交应用。 您可以在暖暖里做一名听众,用心聆听TA的内心世界,发现一直等待的那个人。 您还可以把自己的心情与愿望通过暖暖说出来,默默关注您的那个Ta说不定会帮您分担心情,...
Avengers assemble! Looks like another go with the team of superhero's! It is the Age of Ultron.IronmanThe HulkBlack WidowCaptain AmericaThorNick FuryH...
If you liked apps like Fast Ball, and other fun platformers, then you will love Ultra Ball. With stunning 3d graphics, intuitive controls, and amazing...
In this car parking Challenge your goal is to park your car without crashing in the designated parking spots. Try to be the parking king of this new U...
Carlos, a regular duck living in the great city of Featherbay, just got dumped by his girlfriend, his life as a freelance do-it-all is going nowhere a...
Ultra Hafıza, fotografik hafızanızı geliştirmeye yarayan bir oyundur.Fotografik hafızanızı geliştirmek size ne kazandırır?- Yaratıcı düşünme gücünüzde...
All new classic Minesweeper game in modern design! With simple controls and turbo-mode available it is produced to set highest scores. Game features 5...
Drive your moto with incredible fast speed during traffic rush time!Ultra Moto Hero is an endless 3d motor racing game with simple control and nice gr...
In this fast paced ninja game, your goal is to collect coins as more as you can while avoiding enemy ninjas, With sliding left and right you can move ...