购物客,精彩移动购物。 最方便的移动购物客户端,轻轻地用指尖一划,便可在各大商城之间切换搜索,爱逛哪家逛哪家,省力省心。 爱生活,也要会生活,团购导航为你的生活精打细算,不错过任何一次打折优惠。 没想好买不买?加入收藏下次再逛,好宝贝永远逃不出你的手掌心。 星期天的早晨,让阳光与慵懒,还有购物客陪伴...
购物客,精彩移动购物。 最方便的移动购物客户端,轻轻地用指尖一划,便可在各大商城之间切换搜索,爱逛哪家逛哪家,省力省心。 爱生活,也要会生活,团购导航为你的生活精打细算,不错过任何一次打折优惠。 没想好买不买?加入收藏下次再逛,好宝贝永远逃不出你的手掌心。 星期天的早晨,让阳光与慵懒,还有购物客陪伴...
五星好评,荣获中国移动互联网“年度社交创新大奖”的精品应用,与高德地图强势合作,仅需单方安装、免加好友,就可通过免费短信或momo.im网站与全球手机用户进行语音、图片、地图位置导航等信息的分享。 他们都说能社交,但我们真的不一样,试一下,你就知道! 主要功能: 1. 【超强】好友免邀请、免注册、免...
Mono is for discovering and listening to music. It gives you access to the entire world of artists, their releases, their top tracks and their media. ...
momo首創全台第一個行動直播購物台,6大功能讓你怎麼逛都便利,怎麼買都划算!產品特色:1. Live直播:走到哪,看到哪!輕鬆購!2. 節目表:快速瀏覽當日銷售商品3. 好康專區:即時互動,給你最殺的商品優惠訊息4. 熱銷專區:最夯的商品,最殺的價格5. 快速結帳:三步驟快速結帳6. 會員專區:輕...
Now you can design great-looking photo montages to send your friends or family. Featuring easy image-cropping tools and a choice of stylish layouts. M...
Aqua Jewel Upgrade is a even fun, better and more addictive game for the iPhone/iPod Touch.Tap once where there are more than one Jewel of a kind conn...
**As seen on all iPod Touches inside retail Apple Stores!!Custom graphics and easy user interface make this game a hit. Matching games improve brain p...
★ T9 Keypad quickly searches contacts' names, companies, and numbers★ Send Group SMS easily (requires iOS4 or higher)★ Create Groups for your contacts...
The Ultimate Score Keeper for the popular Kuwaiti game Kout is finally here! The Score Keeper App is a free and easy-to-use application that allows th...